Saturday, August 15, 2009

What do you suppose this means?

The Dorkanese Word of the Day: Woggie (wah-gee): Noun: 1. Cute little dog. Example: My friend and I saw the cutest little woggie in the pet store today that looked just like his woggie, only this one was a girl and his is a boy. 2. Any dog that likes me or that I like. Example: Hershey may be stinky, but he is my big stinky woggie.

Lately I've been having weird dreams in which my stuff (not just any stuff, but my favorite stuff) gets lost of damaged. A few nights ago I had a dream that I was at Disney World in Florida. I've never been so I have no clue what it looks like. Anyway, in the dream they had opened up a new Disney Dream Suite (supposedly Alice in Wonderland themed so I had to see it) and it was on a island in the middle of some kind of lake. The only way to get to the island was to float over on a pool floatie (you know, like the kind you can rent at hotel pools, the kind you lay on that might have a cup holder, but other than that, not much else) and I am pessimistic but I get on anyway. I take out my phone to text someone and I drop my phone into the black, murky water. Anyone who knows me well knows how attached I am to my phone. Just imagine the freak out I would have in real life. All my phone numbers, all my appointments, my class schedule, my workout schedule, everyone's birthdays, my photos, my videos, my ringtones...sinking into the abyss.

Then yesterday during a nap at my Dad's I dreamed that someone had a tall ladder leaning against the townhome balcony across from where Pepper, my brand new car, is parked. Some hood rat (in the dream its a hood rat, even though no hood rats live anywhere near my Dad, or at least that I've seen) knocks the ladder over and scratches up Pepper's trunk. Then the hood rat tries to flee and I have to chase her down and threaten her to get her to call her insurance company. I woke up wondering if auto insurance covers "Acts of Ladder" or if I have "Hood Rat Coverage" on my policy. And no, Leigh and Jonie, before you ask, it wasn't THAT hood rat, it was someone I didn't know.

There are obvious similarities in both dreams, but what the heck does it mean? What's next? I'm gonna dream that something bad happens to my laptop. *shudders* I don't even want to think about that.

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