Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Law School Application Process

So I got my LSAT score back: 151. Good, certainly better than average, but not great. So now with my 3.4 GPA and my 151 LSAT, the next step in my application process is to get really good letters of recommendation and write an awesome personal statement. I couldn't be happier with the choices I made in people to write the letters, so now my main concern is the personal statement. Certain schools have requirements for what they want you to write so it is good to do one for each school. Right now, I am working on the one for my first choice school. Once that is submitted, I can start working on #2 and #3. All of the schools I selected are Tier 1 Top 100 schools within 32 miles of my home. Though I am crossing my fingers for my first choice school, at this point if any of them take me I will be happy. I just want to go to a good law school. This whole process is fun, but exhausting at the same time. I will be glad when it is done.