Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wonton Wednesday with a side of MacDuff and some New Marilyn Manson

The Dorkanese Phrase of the Day: Fat Nap 1. When an animal eats and then lays flat on his back and sleeps with his feet in the air and his belly pointed straight up, as if allowing room for it to flourish and become fatter. Example: After breakfast, Lucky took his usual fat nap at the foot of my bed and almost fell on the floor when he woke up and tried to roll over.

Ah, Wonton Wednesday. Trina and I actually discovered this concept by accident one day when we stopped at the Pick Up Stix in Upland for lunch one day. Every Wednesday, you can get Cream Cheese Wontons for 25 cents each, so on Wednesdays when I am free, we've started doing Wonton Wednesday, or Wontonsday as Gregg calls it. And today was one of the Wednesdays that I was able to do it. We are still working out the magic number to order. Once we got 40, once we got 80, today we got 30 and that left only about a dozen or so after we finished stuffing ourselves. Next week we will try 25 and see how that works.
My Contracts Law final was today. As promised, my instructor brought in his Scotty dog, MacDuff, or Duffy as he is called for short. I hogged the dog for most of class. He is so cute! I want one now, but Lucky would be so jealous. Plus I'm barely home as it is, the poor dog would probably not get enough attention. Maybe someday when Lucky chills out and I have a yard of my own and more time to spend at home, or when I have a family, maybe then I might get a dog. We'll see.
So after class I met my friend Greg (not Trina's husband Gregg, with 3 G's, but my buddy from my old work, Greg, with 2 G's) and he gave me an early birthday present: Marilyn Manson's New CD!! I was able to listen to the first 6 tracks on the way home and I LOVE IT!! I always say that he writes his best stuff when he is coming out of a relationship (sad, isn't it?) and so far this album is a shining example of it. When it got to track 5, Arma-g**-d***-mother-f******-geddon, I cranked the volume super high. This is the MM that I know and love. I am very stoked.
Friday is my birthday!! I am both excited and scared. Perhaps tomorrow I will blog about "The Birthday Curse" and explain myself a little better.

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