Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Wonky Day

First, for those who are saying "huh?" to the title, I would like to introduce my newest 2 segments to the blog: The Dorkanese Word of the Day and The Dorkanese Phrase of the Day. I am teaching you all the sacred tongue of the dorks, one word or phrase at a time. It should help you to understand subsequent postings a lot better. Today let's do a word.

The Dorkanese Word of the Day: Wonky: (wahn-kee)Adjective, 1. Strange, unusual 2. Messed up, not right. Example: "Paris Hilton's one wonky eye weirds me out so much every time I see her I can't stop looking at it."

Well, today started out normal enough. Lucky woke me up at 4:30am to eat breakfast. I haven't been putting his dry food out lately because he gets canned food twice a day and he is getting really fat. And before you say it, I can't cut the canned food because sometimes its the only water he will consume in a day, and he is prone to kidney infections, which are expensive to treat and make us both miserable. Anyhoo, I went back to bed and got up around 9am to take Heather to the KLOS Blood Drive. As we are walking out we have to stop at a table for Heather to get her concert tickets (they give them to everyone who donates) and the girl behind the table says "Is your name Holly?" At this point, I am looking at her and I don't recognize her, but I say "Yes" and she says "We went to St. Lucy's together." I look again, still nothing. Finally, she says "Jordan." Yes, Aimee, Sherry and Amy, if you are reading this, it was Jordan H, who not only went to St. Lucy's with me, she also went to Foothill Christian with us since 2nd grade. We exchanged pleasantries for a second and Heather mentioned that she went to Foothill with her too and then we left. Wonky.
Later I went to my Dad's and did what we do every Tuesday: watched the new Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel. If you have never seen it, its a show about crab fishing off the coast of Alaska, the most dangerous job in the World. They have production crews on about 4 or 5 boats and document what its like being on a crab boat. Its a REAL reality show, not this staged crap they have on network TV, and it is addicting. My favorite boat is the Time Bandit. I like the show, but I also like the idea that it is something that my Dad and I do together. I lived with him for like 3 years and I miss hanging out with him, so stuff like this is just one of those simple treasures in life. That was the most normal part of my day.
Then, as I am driving home, I can see the house and I have dinner getting cold in the seat next to me, and I guess I got a little anxious and impatient, because I "made a longish pause" at the stop sign instead of "coming to a full and complete stop" at the stop sign and one of Claremont's finest pulled me over, right in front on my house. Officer Whatshisface not only looked just like a creep that I had went on a blind date with about 8 months ago, but he decided to give me crap about the fact that my license still has my Dad's address in Glendora on it when I said I lived "right there" and pointed to our house. It is called a permanent mailing address. You are allowed to have them. All my mail goes there. But dude did not care. Dude even ran my name in the system! He had me sitting there for like 15 minutes. I was even starting to wonder if something was wrong, even though I knew darn well nothing would come back when he ran me. I thought "Does someone with my name have warrants or something? What the heck is taking so long?" Then dude came back and gave me my ticket and told me I need to change my address on my license. Yeah, I'll get right on that. I still couldn't get over how much dude looked like the aforementioned creepy date, I mean he looked JUST LIKE HIM. And I have never had anyone give me crap about using that address on my license. Wonky!

1 comment:

  1. I had one of Glendora's finest stop me and ask me about the school parking permit hanging from my mirror. Convo went something like this:
    GF: "What is hanging from your mirror?"
    ME: "A Parking Permit"
    GF: "Why do you have that?"
    ME: What I wanted to say was oh, take a guess but I told him "so I can park at school and not get a ticket for not having a parking permit."
    GF: "Oh." (Brilliant!) "What is the other stuff hanging from your mirror?"
    ME: "Souvenir football beads from a Baltimore Ravens game."
    GF: "Why is that hanging from your mirror?"
    ME: "I went to a Baltimore Ravens game." Since he was following me, he should have noticed my Ravens licence plate frame. This tool, not so sharp.
    GF: "Is that necessary?"
    ME: "It's an accessory. Accessories are not necessary but as a female, we kind of like them."
    GF: "Oh. Have you been drinking?"
    ME: WTF? Okay, I didn't say that but really WTF: "Uh, no."
    GF: "Are you sure?"
    ME: "If you want me to blow into a tube, I would be more than happy but unless it will detect alcohol from 2 months ago, you will not find anything." No, idiot, a group of rouge beermeisters just got through holding me down and forced me to drink two pony kegs.
    GF: "That won't be necessary. You do not appear to have been drinking." Then why did you ask?
    GF: "Make sure to get your tags updated when the time comes."
    ME: "Thank you for reminding me." Again, he must not have been studying the tags on my licence plate since it was February and mine expire in July.

    I can only imagine this to be a proud moment for him when he goes back to the station house and tells the boys how he "almost" arrested someone who had been drinking two months ago with almost expired plates and foreign contraband hanging from her mirror.

    Holly, I think the two of us just witnessed what happens when everyone seems to be obeying traffic and the testosterone kicks up.
