Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome to My Blog

OK, so I gave in. On top of my Myspace, my Facebook and my Twitter, I now have a blog. Oh yeah, by the way, my name is Holly Michelle Chandler (everyone say "HI HOLLY!") Most of you who are going to be reading this already know me. Some of you have been bugging me for years to start a blog. Well, all I can say to you is if I write this, you had better read it! Just kidding. First and foremost, lemme lay down a few rules and guidelines about what you will and will not see here:

1. From my experience blogging on Myspace, I have learned it is best NOT to blog about your relationships or anything deeply personal. It saves you the trouble of having to delete embarrassing stuff later. You will hear me drop names in my blog if what I am blogging about involves another person, but if you don't already know who these people I am naming are (most of you reading are my friends so I'm sure you will know the people who I spend most of my time with), send me a private message and ask. Otherwise, presume everyone I name is either a friend or family member.
2. I have very strong feelings, as does everyone I'm sure, about politics and religion, and though I may comment one way or the other on a current political or social issue, this is not an invite to get into an arguement about my beliefs over yours. This blog is strictly my OPINION and COMMENTARY on randomness in my daily life. If you believe differently than I do and you want to post a rebuttal, do it on YOUR blog and I will gladly read it.
3. I will blog when I feel like it and when I have time. Being a full time college student, as well as someone who is preparing to re-enter the workforce, means my schedule is never consistent. Some weeks are wackier than others. Don't bug me about blogging. I still love you though.
4. Just like in my personal life, I promise to try very hard not to cuss here. Who knows? A potential employer or an instructor may be reading this, and I don't need to be dropping F bombs.
5. I don't beef, I'm a vegetarian. LOL what I mean is, while I may whine or express a frustration on here, its not directed at anyone. If I have something to say to you, trust me, you will here it from my lips and to your face. Basically that means don't take anything posted here personally, even if you think you identify.

OK 5 is enough rules for now. I'm very excited about the coming months, so hopefully there will be a lot to share with you. My birthday is this coming Friday, July 31st, and I hope to have some pics from various birthday celebrations this week to share with you. I'm also excited about starting at a new school next month (while still enrolled at my old school) , football season (Chargers and 49ers baby!!), my favorite season (Fall), my favorite holiday (Halloween) and some special events involving friends and family (birthdays, weddings) so it should be fun. Hope you will enjoy a little peak inside my life.

Oh yeah, I guess I should explain the blog's name. Most of you know my cat, Lucky the Monkey Cat I'm sure. I named it after him. I may post a picture of him in the background sometime so you can all see his monkey tail. And no, I'm not one of those people who will blog all the time about their cat, but he does do funny stuff sometimes, so if I can get pics, I may post them.

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