Trina told me the other day that they were offered the chance to adopt another cat. With Atreyu, Storm, Luna (aka The Knargle) and Harlequin, this would make Cat #5, which I reminded her officially qualifies them for Crazy Cat People status. Yvonn brought the kitten over today during Amber's birthday party (by the way HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY RUNT!) and the minute Trina, Gregg and I saw him, we knew he'd be staying. He is the TINIEST thing, mostly white, with a half a dozen spots on him like Luna, only the spots are gray (Luna is a Calico with red and black spots). Trina remarked how he had gray Knargle spots, so they now had a boy Knargle. But what to name him?
Trina named Atreyu, Amber named Storm, Raven named Luna (though we all call her The Knargle, after the invisible creatures described by her namesake in the Harry Potter books) and Gregg named Harlequin, plus Raven and Gregg named the Bearded Dragons (Jasper and Alice) and the Mexican King Snake (Toothless). Normally my suggestions for names for the pets are considered, but never used, but this time I finally picked one that got used.
Raven's friend Melanie suggested Hercules. Though immediately dismissed, it reminded me, as I'm sure it did the rest of the family, of when Gregg beat Hercules in the last God of War video game. Trina, Raven, Amber and I would watch Gregg play God of War III on the PS3 for hours at a time, before he beat the game after about 5 days. As I sat there thinking of this, holding the kitten with the ashy gray Knargle spots, it hit me. I looked at Trina, Raven and Amber and, after struggling to remember the hero's name from the video game, I blurted out "Kratos! We can name him Kratos!"
Now if there is one thing my best friend Trina and I do with some regularity, it's disagree. Not argue or fight, just disagree. Though we enjoy a lot of the same things and share some of the same beliefs, when it comes to matters of personal taste, we couldn't be more different. Though we never get angry, it annoys the hell out of anyone within earshot. She likes blue, I like red. I think the cashier at Costco is cute, she thinks he is not. She thinks "Minority Report" is a good movie, I think it was awful. She likes NCIS, I like Law and Order. It's just the way we are. So when I made my suggestion, I was fully prepared for a veto from her, and the look on her face ALMOST looked like she was going to, but then she paused for a second and said "Yeah, we could do that." With Gregg's, Amber's and Raven's approval, the kitten was named "Kratos: The Knargle of War"
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