Whew! I've been so busy I haven't had time to blog at all this month! Well, let me get a little caught up. A couple weeks ago, my friend Ruby (aka Roo Bee Dee or Roo for short) and I went to Disneyland together to bask in the Halloweentime goodness. We've been talking about going together for a long time, as we are both annual passholders and Disney fans. I remember when we used to work together, we would write Disney quotes on her dry-erase board and quote lines from Disney movies at each other. ("More tea?") We went on Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy (I didn't care for it - the "ghost" thing was icky and the sub-par projection effects didn't go unnoticed by Roo, a talented Media Artist), the Haunted Mansion Nightmare Before Christmas, as well as many other of our favorite attractions. In a "weird but true" coincidence, when we went on the Winnie the Pooh ride, guess which honeycomb we ended up riding? That's right, we got the honeycomb named Roo. How cool is that? The highlight of my day had to be sharing Toy Story Mania with Roo. I showed her all the secrets I have learned over the past few months of playing and together we both set personal bests on our scores: Roo got over 158K and I got over 209K. We went on it 3 times. I think I created another TSM addict LOL. Roo also showed me her 2 favorite dining spots, so I now have 2 more places to eat at the Disney Resort that are inexpensive, air conditioned and not crowded. We closed out the night by watching the Halloweentime Fireworks display and seeing Zero fly over Sleeping Beauty Castle, then heading off to enjoy a late dinner. We will definitely do it again very soon!