The week leading up to graduation was, in a word, hell. Projects, portfolios, presentations, papers, exams, volunteer hours, appointments, cooking, cleaning...all in the 7 days before the
ceremony itself. To say I was tired would be an understatement. But when I walked out of class on the last night with Lynn, I was finally able to relax. We smoked and chatted about what we would miss and what we wouldn't miss about school, and looked forward to the Commencement Ceremony on Friday. When the big day came, we were laughing and cracking jokes during the whole ceremony, even during the walk to the stage. "I have a feeling we are not taking this occasion as seriously as we should..."

Before I forget, I have to mention the wonderful job my friend Jessica did on my hair. I've been going to her for my cuts and color since last Fall and for my graduation she curled my hair and pinned the hell out of my mortar board (the hat that comes with your regalia) and I felt not only very pretty, but confident that my mortar board would not budge. It was important to me that the mortar board was secure because of a special message I had painstakingly written to my Dad in rhinestones across the back of it. Jessica did both mine and Nicki's hair and we both looked very cute.

I also have to point out the my roommate and one of my ex's decorated the hell out of our house. Mike and Danny bought and made banners, signs, balloons and all kinds of decorations and really just went nuts. I was quite touched by the thought and effort.

In accordance with my wishes, my Dad got me 1 dozen orange and 1 dozen green roses for my graduation, to match my school colors. My Mom also got me a half dozen red roses. I got several cards from friends, as well as a Starbucks gift card and a really nice pen. Though not everyone could make the ceremony or the after party, I was very touched by the love and support I got, both in person and over the phone, from all the special people in my life. It was a really great day.

So now what? As of right now, until August 15th, I am on Summer Break. No school, no work, no cares. I am LOVING it. I can't remember the last time I had Summer off.
But when Summer is over, Law School starts. I decided on Western State University College of Law. It is geographically the closest good law school to me (located in Fullerton), and they specialize in cranking out litigators: district attorneys, public defenders, judges, etc. Their grads have a HUGE presence in public sector litigation in Orange County. Since I don't want to spend my career behind a desk all day long, and since the student loan repayment programs for people who take public sector positions will save me thousands of dollars in loan payments, WSU feels like a perfect fit.
The campus programs are well suited to my areas of interest. They have a ton of clinics and clubs to participate in. They have Moot Court, but no Mock Trial, yet. Their amenities are fabulous: HUGE law library, super fancy courtroom, technology friendly classrooms, and lots of spaces to lounge, eat and study, not to mention a full service cafeteria. I pretty much have everything I need right there.
Another benefit is that they have very accessible forms of financial assistance: book scholarships and, most notably, a very cool Merit Scholarship program. I am waiting to find out how much scholarship money I will get for my first year of tuition, but my chances are pretty good. If I maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA through my first year, my second year tuition will be paid, and the same goes for my third year if I maintain my grades through my second year. For the book scholarships, you have to apply every year with some kind of writing assignment, so I am waiting on details for this year's since it is not yet available. This makes it very nice because I have been approved for enough government issued student loans to cover my living expenses and fees, so if tuition and books are covered, I won't need any private loans or money from my Dad.
One added bonus that I wasn't expecting: real medical coverage. For less than what I was paying through COBRA to keep my Kaiser from my old job, I can get my Kaiser back through school, and it is valid the whole year, even during the semester breaks. It will be nice to have my old insurance back.
I get my "official" schedule in a few days, but my Admissions Advisor already told me what my classes were: Intro to Law, Civil Procedure, Legal Writing, Contracts, Criminal Law and Torts. The best part? I've already taken all of these classes, some of them over multiple semesters, as an undergrad, so my foundation in all of them is quite strong. That was, after all, the whole point in spending 4 years as an undergrad taking Legal Studies courses: to better prepare me for law school.
So that's it. The end of my life as an undergrad and the start of my life as a graduate student. After 4 years of work, I have a Bachelor's Degree and in 3 more years, I will have a Juris Doctorate. Some of my friends have already started making "Dr. Chandler" jokes. Though I never plan on calling myself that, I technically could once I finish Law School. Scary, isn't it? I could also throw "Esquire" on the end of my name, but I'm undecided on that. Just the fact that I will have not only a degree, but the right to change my title from "Ms." to "Dr." or "Esq." makes the whole process just seem to unreal. It would feel like waking up from a coma and having someone tell you that you're the President of the United States.
"I'm a WHAT?!"
Thankfully I have 3 more years as a "mortal" to get used to the idea. ;-)